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Your daughter is beautiful. I have twin daughters that will be 20 in April...you aren't kidding about turning around and them being grown! Please wish her a happy belated birthday. I hope it was a great day:)


well i'm bad about drinking water. i forget to drink. which is funny because i dont' forget to eat.

anyway, that's what my goal is for the next 21 days. try to get my 8 glasses of water in a day.


I love the thoughts in this post. I think I will make a habit of telling my DH that I love him - I don't do it enough when we're caught up in the daily grind of life.

Also thinkof this: you not only created a habit of blogging these past 30 days, but you created a habit in us readers expecting to see you post each day! Scary!


I love this post. So inspiring, and so true! I already seem to be unable to break the blogging-every-day habit (we'll see) and I'm working on the exercise. 21 days. I think I'll try it. Excellent!


I had no problem walking away from my blog for the weekend. :-)
Great post! You have created an audience who wants to keep reading...so keep it up!


OK, OK, I'll go for a walk today, really I will. It's tomorrow that's the hard day for keeping up the new habit (exercise, in my case) - so blog again tomorrow, will ya?
And I'll email you my address as soon as I'm on a computer that has the Default Setting for Contacting the World turned on, as this one doesn't. My email is harperlynnATmsnDOTcom, if that helps.
Finally, when people tell you your daughter's beautiful (which she is, quite), remember she looks just like you.


Provoking thought, are we?


This is good, really good and I need a push. Now what habit do I want to form or break?


Honestly, I think you're trying to MoFo the world!! ; )

Great post, Teresa. I've already done 1/3 of those 21 days incorporating exercise into my very early morning -- but if I don't do it then, I know it isn't going to happen. My next goal will be to work more on the breakfast thing, and definitely drinking more water.


Love this podt. I keep promising myself I will walk every day, this post could just be the push I need. Thanks.


Teresa-it's great to see you continuing to post (as I love to read them) and I have heard this before...21 days to a new habit. One of my goals last month was to journal before bed every night. I have done surprisingly well but I missed 2 nights last week. I will continue to work on that to make 21 consecutive days. Thanks for reminding us that we need to make time for ourseves, too.


Okay, I know what I'm going to do. I'll tell you about it later. What a great post, by the way. Deep thoughts by Terry.


Teresa, I have so enjoyed reading your blog & this is my first time to comment. This post is so inspiring. At this time of year, I often get out of balance as far as exercise, diet, stress & rest and my goal for Advent is to take care of myself so that I can enjoy being with my friends & family this season. Thanks for writing this post.


Teresa, I have so enjoyed reading your blog & this is my first time to comment. This post is so inspiring. At this time of year, I often get out of balance as far as exercise, diet, stress & rest and my goal for Advent is to take care of myself so that I can enjoy being with my friends & family this season. Thanks for writing this post.


Thanks for the kick in the virtual pants. Of course, this is something I tell my swimmers all the time, but "do as I say not as I do" yadda yadda ... Starting tomorrow -- healthier eating habits! (This is the hardest time of the whole year, but if I can do it now, I can do it anytime!)


Great post! Like Danielle says, thanks for the kick in the pants. I have been trying to workout more and have improved quite a bit, even taking some personal training sessions together with my friend. I have a good treadmill at home that never gets used; my goal will be to exercise every day, using the treadmill at home on the days I don't go to the gym. 20 minutes; surely I can do that!


Well you can tell by the time stamp that I need learn to get to bed at a decent hour :) Just today I started some eye exercises in the hopes to make a new habit, but there's so much more that I need/can do with all aspects of life. Definitely worth thinking over.


Wow, you know it's so interesting - your month of blogging led me (even before this post) to think about some things that I would like to add to my routine by doing them every day for a month. Like blogging, and/or doing yoga in the morning, and/or starting a spiritual practice. hm.... The procrastinator in me thinks maybe I should start in January...


You covered a lot of ground here, without even getting to procrastination! I decided to reform ahead of January, though it is hard to face the alarm when it is pitch black... exercise and breakfast before work are pretty strong habits, but I can always get better, hee hee.


Since I seem to spin mostly at spin-ins, maybe I should spin every day. Or write, or knit one thing for at least half an hour, or... there are way too many possibilities here.

A belated happy birthday to Meagan!

(Doesn't AA require 30 meetings in the first 30 days?)

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