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Those Baa-studs make a pretty cute movie!!!


I'm still searching for the second issue of that magazine. I'm curious to see the lace pattern in it. However, I don't think I'll be getting any more of them. Too much time wasted looking for magazine that could be used for other things.

I think I hate that tea company for you.


I've fallen for Harney's Pomegranate Oolong...so good. Think I'll have some right now.


Do you know about Upton Tea? Lots and lots of good stuff. And great service. No connection, just really impressed with them. My favorite right now is Earl Grey Creme Vanilla. yum.


Still going on about those tea tins, huh? I hope you're using your netflix trial to watch that movie we talked about.


I second the Upton Tea recommendation. Great service. No pressure.

I have a zillion Hediard metal tea boxes. Empty. If you ever want one for tea storage, let me know. Or five.

LOVE the video. LOVE. I had not seen it.


That was too funny. Thanks for the laughs.

I am so unworthy when it comes to tea. I still think that Celestial Seasons is great tea. I think tea bags are fine. I am so unworthy.

: )

I'm a little wigged out by the plastic tea contraption by Adagio with steaming hot water. I'm not a big fan of any plastic with any hot liquids. What do you use?

Cheryl S.

Loved the video!

I've heard before that Netflix gives "better" service to free trial members, so that they'll have a positive experience and continue their service. I've been a Netflix member since 1998, before they had unlimited rentals, and while the service has sometimes been better than others, I wouldn't want to give it up. But then, I don't have cable.


I like my oolongs on the black end of the spectrum and Harney does have some great choices. And yes, I would NEVER pay for a tin when I have all those great Harney tins!

Cindy in Happy Valley

Our local coffee roaster has great intensely flavored, black fruit teas. I can actually smell fruit as I sit here at my desk, even though it is encased in its little plastic baggie. (It actually smells a little like bananas to me. Weird.)

I think I might have liked Dragonfly in Amber better than Outlander, but I change from day to day, and the "shock" thing...there is less as the series goes on. My least favorite was the next, Voyager.

Tracy J.

Hilarious video, and I always love your random thoughts. They make for great reading!


Thanks for posting the video. And, I've gotten hooked on Adiago Tea, just reading your post :) I'm still searching for a great oolong tea. Our market stopped carrying the Oolong in the brown and gold packet, and I can't find a match.
Most importantly, love your blog, yeah!

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