I'm wondering if I should even do a random Wednesday post, I'm having a cranky day and really want to stay a little bit upbeat. You know, to fool you all into thinking I am a mostly positive and cheery person. (Gillian, is that you laughing?) I'll give it a go and if you don't read this you will know I changed my mind. Or maybe not.
- Hey! Thanks for all the compliments on my little skirt! You guys sure know how to make a girl feel good.
- If I didn't know better I would swear that Lynn and Renee (who is giving away yarn and showing off a really cute handy-man husband on her blog) were flirting with me!
- Makes me really want to make some more cute blue things.
- Or maybe I did, but I haven't shown you yet.
- We'll have to have another warm day so I can get some modeled shots.
- I'm a little tired of calling the doctor's office one second after they called you and you missed the call only to get voicemail and not hearing from them for a day or two or a week. Does no one answer the phone anymore?
- And what did the voicemail they left me say? That they have set me up for two appointments, one for some yet to be revealed to me test and another for a follow up.
- Do I not have any say?
- And I've had almost every test known to man, what could be left? is what I want to know.
- I'm dreaming of pizza. But there I go again, into crankiness because I cannot have pizza anymore. And yet I dream.....
- I almost wouldn't mind all of these changes and deprivation if I felt significantly better, but I am trying to be hopeful. End of my woes, I don't want to talk about it anymore today.
- Or tomorrow.
- In a totally uncharacteristic move for me I cut and set up these fabrics to sew into blocks without totally overthinking it.
I set them up, made a change or two and then raced to the sewing machine and turned them into the blocks before I contracted Analysis Paralysis. But, what will happen when I lay them out in different patterns to turn them into a quilt top ? Or have I done that already? Was there agonizing or more racing to the sewing machine? Wait and see.... - No worries, I did find plenty of ways to over-complicate this project that will entertain those who who get some perverse pleasure chuckling at how my mind works.
- I'm not usually too much a fan of the reality television.
- So why does my weekly DVR line-up include So You Think You Can Dance, Project Runway, and Dancing With The Stars?
- The suppressed voyeur in me is really tempted by Hoarders and Clean House.
- Now that would be the dark side, wouldn't it?
- Just look at what an images search on Google turns up.
- I think I can't watch because these people really need serious help, and not just cleaning their houses out.
- Glee is on tonight!
- And now to add to the randomness, I have seen Cookie doing these listy things from Unconscious Mutterings and decided to try it, here you go:
- Omelette :: egg white
- Classic :: Audrey Hepburn
- Thrifty :: Scot
- Search :: Google images
- Fan :: Sleep
- Fussy :: Cut
- I am not :: Tall
- Indulge :: My every whim
- Poor :: Excuse
- Manicure :: Need one.
Ninety-two. That is enough random for one Wednesday. What random thoughts are you having? Come on, share! By the way: I would have done well on Jeopardy tonight.
Of course I'm flirting with you, you hot little blue thang! I'm even the first one posting a comment, because IRL I'm peering through your windows and I can see that you just blogged.
OK, that was a little weird. Sorry. I'm normal and shy in my non-digital life, as you know.
Posted by: Lynn | September 16, 2009 at 08:20 PM
Hate playing phone tag with doctor offices, if I had a pet peeve list it would be near the top of it.
Can't wait to see more of your sewing.
Yup, having a giveaway -- because the truth is I'm intimidated by the size of my stash... ;)
Posted by: Renee | September 16, 2009 at 10:13 PM
The voice mail is driving me nuts.
Posted by: Laurie | September 17, 2009 at 06:34 AM
I'm going to have a LOT of blue on my blog today....that will help cheer you up a little. :)
Posted by: Kim | September 17, 2009 at 08:22 AM
Our DVR line-up is identical!
Posted by: Vicki | September 17, 2009 at 09:00 AM
I think you'd do well on Jeopardy most nights. Those shows about hoarding are another reason why maybe not having cable is a good thing -- I think I'd be tempted :-)
Posted by: Kathy | September 17, 2009 at 10:33 AM
You're not tall? You seem tall. Hmmm...
Watch Clean House. It will make you feel better about how you live. Just avoid the Messiest House episodes because those people need professional help.
Posted by: Cookie | September 17, 2009 at 02:24 PM
Ha! I seem tall. Must be the aura of height I give off in my personality. I'm 4'11". Well, that is what my license says and I'm sticking with it, lie or not. My youngest daughter is not even as tall as that and never will be. Just a couple of shorties.
And you are right, I don't want to see the people that hoard their used tp. Ewww. If that isn't enough to prove they need real help, the fact that they let themselves be put on television is.
On Sep 17, 2009, at 2:24 PM, [email protected] wrote:
Posted by: Teresa C. | September 17, 2009 at 02:30 PM
I love SYTYCD. Love it. But that is the only reality thing I watch. I used to watch Project Runway, but not in a few seasons.
Posted by: claudia | September 17, 2009 at 02:37 PM
I was away and missed you luau skirt - I love it! Do I see a trip to Hawaii in your future???!!! :)
Posted by: Maureen | September 17, 2009 at 07:00 PM
Having read through a few previous posts....sounds like you are having joint/muscular pain along with food allergy issues, probably some other symptoms as well. Have any of your doctors mentioned Fibromyalgia? My sister also went through every test known to man and after 2 years of symptoms and testing to rule everything else out, was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. No cure, but it is treatable and can be managed. Just wanted to mention and see if I could help-I'm no doctor but the experiences sounded similar to me. Take care!
Posted by: Robin | September 19, 2009 at 08:31 PM