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I'm with you on #10! I get "So what's the plan?" What is with men??


I'm a compulsive planner, and like you - if I don't want to deal with X tast - I can procrastinate like no bodies business!!

Looking forward to seeing your new quilt plans.


Terry - Did I miss something? Are you expecting a grandbaby, or just a significant urchin being added to the fold?


I have to admit, as much as it irritates me when John asks that question, it DOES help me to use my time more productively. Otherwise, I would probably be overwhelmed and paralyzed pretty regularly!


I am so with you. Mine typically asks if there is a plan for the weekend. I tell him the plan. (There must be a plan, I've discovered, or he'll just keep on asking.) Next day (or sometimes later the same day), "do we have a plan for the weekend?" Dude, Get With The Plan, or don't ask me.


It's definitely a "man" thing! On my days off, I don't want to "plan" anything unless I absolutely have to...I'm very spur of the moment and definitely no suits and high heels! You did well to come up with ten...I would be hard pressed to do the same!

Do I see a grandchild in the near future? :) Just wondering...that brings a whole new kind of fun knitting! :)

Teresa C.

No grandchild, a bummer in one way, but all in good time. right?

No, Cheryl (seedstitch blog) is having a baby and I am attending the birth. Hopefully today.....


On Sep 24, 2009, at 2:46 PM, [email protected] wrote:

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