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I have loved all these black-and-white-and-red-all-over posts. Now you just need to knit Gillian a pair of socks from this yarn: http://www.yarn.com/webs-knitting-crochet-yarns-weight-sock/webs-knitting-yarns-lang-aktion/ (colour 272). I'm knitting a pair right now and they would match perfectly!


You are a scrap-using fantastic-sewing ROCK STAR.


You could be addicted to worse things. At least your habit is useful and beautiful, plus it will keep your family warm.


Terri, I love this quilt SO much that I'm thinking something like this could be Ashley and Brian's Christmas present. Of course it doesn't hurt that black and red is absolutely hands down one of my favorite color combinations. :)


I vote KEEP, too.

Maureen Areglado

Keep those scraps...I absolutely love the pillows you made with them...the designs are incredible! You are one clever lady!

I would love to start a quilt but no longer have a sewing room or space to "just leave everything" as I work on it...a major drawback for me because I'm far too much of a "neatnik".

Maybe after the holidays...but that means putting knitting, reading, cooking, etc. on the back burner for a while. Too much fun things to do and never enough time!


Keep the scraps woman! I absolutely LOVE this quilt and whimsical pillows. And the label? Wonderful. Okay I'll shut up now..... :-)


Key question: will you use the scraps? Do they go with the other fabrics you generally use? (Oops, that was two questions, not one.) ;)

The applique pillows with the flowers and birds are tres chic. Go ahead and post more about this project by telling us how you did the applique. :)


LOVE IT! I love the way you matched the pillow scraps to the quilt, what a great idea! Thanks for sharing! -Allison


Keep. Always, always keep. :)

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