If you are just checking in you will want to read the previous post before this one, get caught up!
Alrighty, thanks to Elaine (who doesn't have a blog so that I can point you in that direction to torture her), and my niggling mind, here are some more options for you: Light border inside first:
Cranberryish inner, inner border.
Orange inner, inner border.
Now the dark:
AAARGH! That tiny little bit of fabric makes a huge difference. I have a few definite opinions on the whole thing, but no time. I think if I was going to add the slim border around the blocks I might really do without the outer border. I love that brown pumpkin fabric though. Maybe it isn't for this project, well, not the borders anyway. Weird how it all changes. And now there will be math, MATH so that I can be sure the top is the right size for the pieced borders. I WAS GOING TO FINISH THIS UP REAL QUICK. TODAY!
One hundred twenty-two. Or day TWENTY-ONE! STILL! Oh, the lengths I'll go for you entertainment.
Orange inner border is a must.
What does it look like when you flip the pieced border and have it right up against the busy pumpkin border? Good or not good?
Do you have enough orange fabric for a skinny outer border before the cranberry fabric?
Oh, and please have a cup of tea. All this pondering and math is taking a toll. ;^)
Posted by: Cookie | November 21, 2009 at 02:32 PM
first one is my fave
Posted by: sara | November 21, 2009 at 03:08 PM
First one is mine too
Posted by: Jodee | November 21, 2009 at 03:44 PM
I was wondering how the pieced border would look next to the skinny cranberry, then the dark, forget the light?
Posted by: Marcia | November 21, 2009 at 05:04 PM
I'm going off the board here. How about the orange border (a bit wider than you have it) with the pieced border and nothing else? You could turn the pieced border so that the light print side is towards the inside and then put the light border on the outside if you want to leave the orange piece narrow.
I bet you didn't know there were this many options did you:)
Posted by: Karen | November 21, 2009 at 05:20 PM
hahahaha!!! You do make me chuckle! I love the orange border. :)
Posted by: Kim | November 21, 2009 at 05:41 PM
I think the inner inner border is unnecessary. I liked your alternate arrangement at the end of the previous post, with the dark pumpkin border on the inside and the pieced border on the outside. The end.
Posted by: Paula | November 22, 2009 at 07:26 AM