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That is the BEST table topper setup I've seen yet! There is a commercial product that gets out wine stains. I last saw it sold at Rabbit Hill Inn in VT. If they don't sell it from their website, email them. They are friendly people.


I love the topper and need to do a holiday runner or topper for my table one of these days. If you go to a wine shop, they have stuff that will take out wine stains...it's called Wine Away. Hubby drinks...and spills...red wine a lot, so I always have a bottle! (Good for other food stains and "pet accidents".)


The problem with tape measures is that non-metal ones stretch over time. This is why precision quilting measurements need to be done with a ruler that doesn't change. Even though I know this (from years of sewing and quilting), I still use a fabric tape measure for knitting. I figure that knitting isn't that precise anyway. Goodness knows that my gauge changes with my mood so blocking will fix most minor measuring differences.

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