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I commend you. I truly commend you. this is why I gave up sewing. Even if it had become a thorn in my side for the rest of forever, I would not have replaced that block. Hopefully knitting will be different. I seem to be able to unravel, but not unpick. Three cheers to you for that delightful turkey! (And creases are too a design element!)


This is why we never look closely at anything after dark. Nothing good ever comes of it.


Hahhahahahaha!!!!! You SO do make me laugh...LOL. Can you come up here and work on a few things for me too. :)

I LOVE Mr. Turkey Lurkey!


Whew. Saved in the nick of time.


Haahahahahaaaaaa! You SO make me chuckle!! Can you come up here and work on a few things for me?

I LOVE Mr Turkey Lurkey!

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