Did you read yesterday's post script? I'll bet you thought I was kidding! I had this project laying around and since I didn't want to sandwich the quilt top last night I decided to whip this little thing up. Great idea! Good. So I got all of the blocks together and got ready to, as the directions suggest, applique using my favorite method of hand applique. Apparently my favorite last night was the one in which I use my hands to fuse the pieces to the quilt top and machine blanket stitch. I didn't have a lot of time, ya'know? Let me be the first to say what you are probably already thinking. It is not the best method for this project for a few reasons, the big crease down the center of the turkey's head being only one. BUT, it isn't terrible and I am more than willing to live with it (although I am thinking that fusible batting might be better next time, added thickness between the fabrics).
So I'm blanket stitching around the turkey feathers and body and decide to go to bed because I don't have the right color orange thread and it was late. Then I take another look.
Let's take a closer look, shall we?
What the!?
Time to don my surgical gloves.
And in the end I decided to use brown thread around the orange feathers, but thank goodness I didn't come to that conclusion last night! I don't know if I would have been happy picking out the embroidery. Actually, I wasn't really happy performing surgery, resigned would be more like it.
I've been too distracted to think about a Ten on Tuesday list. I might come up with one by the end of the day, though. We'll see.
One hundred twenty-five. Or day TWENTY-FOUR! Aren't you glad I remembered to document the crazy around here this time?
I commend you. I truly commend you. this is why I gave up sewing. Even if it had become a thorn in my side for the rest of forever, I would not have replaced that block. Hopefully knitting will be different. I seem to be able to unravel, but not unpick. Three cheers to you for that delightful turkey! (And creases are too a design element!)
Posted by: Chloe | November 24, 2009 at 04:25 PM
This is why we never look closely at anything after dark. Nothing good ever comes of it.
Posted by: Cookie | November 24, 2009 at 05:21 PM
Hahhahahahaha!!!!! You SO do make me laugh...LOL. Can you come up here and work on a few things for me too. :)
I LOVE Mr. Turkey Lurkey!
Posted by: Kim | November 24, 2009 at 08:09 PM
Whew. Saved in the nick of time.
Posted by: Laurie | November 24, 2009 at 08:10 PM
Haahahahahaaaaaa! You SO make me chuckle!! Can you come up here and work on a few things for me?
I LOVE Mr Turkey Lurkey!
Posted by: Kim | November 24, 2009 at 08:12 PM