I have a minute, well to tell the truth, I don't. I am a tad behind on a contract knitting job and my boss mom just called asking when I would be in, "this job needs to finished and go out now!!!!" So I don't have a minute, I'm procrastinating giving my hands a little break from the knitting to type a quick post.
Right on schedule, Typepad helped itself to its yearly fee over the weekend. Seeing that deficit makes me think I really should post to the blog, so I have set a goal for myself. I don't usually share these little goals, it is one thing to fail miserably in my own little mind, but to do it in a public way just annoys me. I'll let you all in on it anyway, my plan is to post enough so that each post costs me under $1.00 per post. That isn't really a lot of posting, but it is almost twice the number of posts on this blog in 2010. Last year each post cost about $1.80. I know there are free blogging options out there, but I have been mostly happy with Typepad, but probably more important, I am resistant to change. That is a blog post or series of them (or sessions with a therapist) all alone, maybe I'll tackle it someday. Not today.
I tend to justify many purchases or services this way, a dollar per use analysis, to decide if something is worth it. It is useful in deciding if something is worth the daily or hourly cost before I spend the money. Previously this blog has cost me around $0.28 per post. The blender I want to buy? Well, seeing as I have begun having a smoothie every day for breakfast and sometimes replacing a solid lunch or supper with a smoothie, I estimate that over a year each smoothie would average about $0.50-$0.75 per use in one year. After two years that cost halves itself. Suddenly a good blender doesn't sound so pricey. Add to that the added sanity that I gain not fighting with my current blender (that thing has almost been thrown against a wall more than once), there is no way to put a price on it. I am constantly making these calculations as I shop, and while it sounds like a good way to put a price on purchases (and for the most part it really works for me), I can subdivide down to justificaton if there is something I really want. You know, not the number of days I am going to wear those boots, but hours. I mean, I am not usually unreasonable.......
With all of the busyness of work and work and the third work thing going on, taking time to post is tough. In procrastination of all of those I spent all of Sunday organizing the crap audiobooks and music and stuff on my laptop and backing it up to an external hard drive. This freed up more than half of my hard drive and now the text I enter anywhere on the computer or internet keeps up with the speed my fingers types it at. And I am NOT a fast typist. To type at the speed I do and have to stop and wait for my computer to catch up, watching the spinning rainbow wheel of panic turn round and round in front of me makes me a little crazy. Deep.Breaths. Anyway, wasted day work-wise, but with all of the time I am not waiting for text to catch up and pages to load I can be knitting.
I was recently introduced to Angry Birds Rio for my droid phone. Should.Be.WORKING!!!!
This post needs a photo:
All things good: Sand, blue beach towel, blue pedicure, blue Woolen Rabbit knitting bag, blue knitting.
Last August I was knitting on the beach in Fort Lauderdale. I was under an umbrella because it was something like 105 degrees that day. Loved.It. There is a story behind the knitting as well, but until I get a photo of the finished shawl I will save the story, but this post needed a photo and I needed a reminder of summer. I'm willing to bet that I was probably one of one or maybe two people knitting on that beach on that day.
2011. Five. Basing calculations on the billing cycle, this post cost $134.95. And it isn't even a good post, just me blabbering on about stupid stuff. Well, even if I do that 134 more times, that brings me down to bad blogging for $1.00 per post. Heh, you get what you pay for!
This post is worth at least $135.00. So you got a bargain!
Posted by: susan | March 29, 2011 at 12:24 PM
Seeing any post from you is priceless!!
Posted by: margene | March 29, 2011 at 12:49 PM
Wow, this post makes me feel GREAT. I definitely get my money's worth out of the blog. That is one thing in my life that has prolly been the case. Also, the blender has already paid for itself for me. Wow, Norma 2, Expenses 0!!!! Well, that's for TWO things in my life, anyway.
We won't talk about the yoga clothes and paraphernalia. I go to Bikram five times, decide I need to get a membership, buy a whole bunch of new clothes and a fancy hot yoga towel, then don't go again for half a year and my membership expires. Happens (almost) every time! Am currently hoping that is not the case with the running thing, but not so sure about that.
So, what was I saying about that scorekeeping? Norma ZERO, Expenses TOO MUCH!!! :D
BUT great to see you blogging!
Posted by: Norma | March 29, 2011 at 12:59 PM
What Margene said. Hell, I'd pay you!
Posted by: Kathy | March 29, 2011 at 01:42 PM
Yup I'm with Kathy! We call your "spinning rainbow wheel of panic" the Pizza Wheel of Death. Usually results in a re-start, force quit , crash or something just as unpleasant. Great to see you back!
Posted by: Manise | March 29, 2011 at 02:21 PM
Anything that gets you blogging more is just fine with me.
Posted by: Cookie | March 29, 2011 at 03:44 PM
Ey yi yi grrl....this post made me dizzy! It's one of the reasons why I love you so and any reason you find to post more, I'm all for it!
Posted by: Kim | March 29, 2011 at 07:23 PM
The shoes feel great and my feet felt great wearing them. However, normally my feet are supinated and these shoes correct that whether you want them to or not - which in my case caused knee pain. In hindsight, I would have gradually increased wearing time each day.
Posted by: mbt mens sandals | April 23, 2011 at 05:39 AM