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Oh, that brings back memories. I remember how excited we (kids) were when Saturday evening Mass was offered. However, then we started playing soccer and other sports and missed the Saturday Mass and had to go back to Sunday. At least my mom didn't make us go to the first Mass of the morning.


Sunday mornings meant church when I was a kid, too. And then home for a roasted something-or-other for Sunday dinner. Now we're more of an easy Sunday morning family and Sunday morning means lolling around and maybe having a nice breakfast.


I can relate to the Sunday morning Mass wake up call!! Now a days with grown up kids (who still live at home) my husband and I run away from home on Sunday mornings to explore wonderful places that offer delicious breakfasts! Much more relaxing and easy!!


Our Sunday's as kids were much like Carole's but we had music going all day long, mostly church style music, but often by evening, we were listening to show tunes or my mom's favorite Andy Williams. If did won it was Beethoven. It's all good. Dig it, dig it, dig it!

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