- Dinner and drinks with friends on Friday night.
- Too much gluten for me, but it was fun.
- Lots of knitting
- Lots of looking for laptop solutions
- Football
- Whew!
- A whole lot of tea drinking
- The tea above is Huang Shan Mao Feng Reserve by Teavana
- Sadly discontinued
- So I've been stocking up
- To that end I won some by 'tweeting my cup' on Friday!
- On Fridays Teavana invites followers to retweet their tweet and post a photo of what is in their morning cup.
- By 3 pm they draw five tea drinkers to win what is in their cup.
- This is the second time I have won.
- Time to sign up for twitter, don't you think?
- And follow me @knittingblues
- And Teavan @TEAVANA
- I hardly ever tweet, so following me is sort of silly, really.
- You can see my tea tweets over on the nifty twitter thing in my sidebar.
- I hope my future weekends have more content, or this weekending thing could get pretty boring to write and read about.
- If I could wear shoes there would have been hiking and running and working out and so many outdoorsy things to add to this list.
- Soon.....
Thanks to Amanda of Habit of Being for inviting the internets to Weekend along with her.
2012. Twenty-two. Blogging brought to you by an external keyboard to override the fried keyboard on my laptop. Ideal? No. Doable for now? Sure is!
free tea? sounds like a winner to me and all the more reason for you to be on twitter ;-)
Posted by: amanda {the habit of being} | November 12, 2012 at 04:01 PM
I'm glad you find a work-around, even if it is awkward. I hardly ever tweet, too, unless it's to win a prize!
Posted by: Carole | November 12, 2012 at 07:05 PM
Tweet? What's a tweet? Seriously, there is no smart phone in my future. Sorry the keyboard didn't like tea!
Posted by: margene | November 12, 2012 at 09:10 PM