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Getting a fright! Shockes the hiccups away! It has to be a realistic fright to work.....like being told someone just stole your whole stash of yarn!!


Nothing works, just waiting it out works well enough.
You know how to pick a good man for a tough job. Well done, both of you!!


My grandmother would put a spoonful of sugar on the tip my tongue and as it slowly dissolved, the hiccuups went away. Strange, but true, I know!

amanda {the habit of being}

pretty wreath!

and the hiccups. i don't get them often but when i do, watch out! usually have them on and off for the rest of the day.

so glad the christmas spirit is finding you!


Ha! I love the comment about warning people who come in your path on cleaning or decorating. I think I might have to officially acknowledge that. :) Love the wreath. P.S. I thought of you when I put up any ornaments that were blue!


I like your wreath a lot. I drink water from the wrong side of the glass. It generally works.


I can always relax myself out of hiccups, which I guess means I don't have them very badly.

I love the wreath.

Laura Kelly

Try drinking eleven sips of water without stopping. The wreath is lovely. Love the blue.


This is what I learned from Mr. Waters in Voice and Speech class many years ago. Hiccups mean that you have a jumping muscle, and that muscle is your diaphragm. Inhale slowly to the bottom of your lungs and press that air down to immobilize the diaphragm. You will have to wait until your next attack to try it.

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