Someone I met last weekend was intrigued by and very interested in my knitting. It was a reaction I am unused to. Most people treat my life of knitting as a cute little thing that I do, but for me, having knitted since I was 7, I don't see knitting as something I do, but a part of who I am, an extension of my arms in a way. I get it, most people don't know the math involved, the trial and error, my particular attention to detail and excellence, or the hours I've put in and knowledge I've gained to give me a knitter's brain. We could get into a discussion of craft and how it is undervalued in our society or conversely, craft as a meditative, mindfulness practice (and now that I have written that sentence I kind of want to), but there is a sad fact that most people do not have something like it. It doesn't have to be knitting, quilting, needlework, it can be woodworking, gardening, glass-blowing or any number of hand crafts that offer the chance to be in an alert and focused state of mind that reduces stress and increases the good hormones in your brain, the endorphins and all that jazz. Seriously, in another post, some day, I may share some of the science I have read, these meditative practices have a positive impact on a genetic level. Science is catching up and it is fascinating.
Anyway, all that to say that most people, especially those without hobbies (I sort of hate that word) (and can you imagine not having something!?) don't really appreciate and will undervalue our passion for and involvement in craft.
So to have someone ask to see the shawls that I've knitted (yikes! there is a drawer full, and then the rest that are sort of strewn in strategicly all over the house) or ask about what I knit (ummm....everything?) felt a little strange. I'm not really used to sharing it because nobody asks. Then came the question: What is your favorite thing to knit?
Umm....... Stitches?
My mind went a little blank, because I had never thought about it. So I had to go with the evidence I had to hand. My ravelry queue is heavily weighted with patterns for lace shawls. When I give my hands a rest and let my fingers do the shopping across the internet I am looking at lace yarns. I dream of lace doilies, which I have no idea what I would do with, but I really want to knit some. I always have at least one shawl on the needles. Pete will see me knitting "another one of those? How many do you need!?" and my response is either 1. How many times do you need to ride your motorcycle up the same roads to the beach or the mountains....... or 2. As many as it takes to keep me off drugs, off the doctor's couch and out of jail. Let me know when you want me to give them up......
He's a very tolerant man. He lets the lace weight yarn stash grow and I use the pointy sticks only for good.
- Pattern: Swallowtail Shawl by Evelyn Clark
- Yarn: Jaggerspun Zephyr Wool-silk 2/18
- Embellishment: Swarovski Bicone Clear 4mm crystals (approx 1,000)
- Needles: Addi Turbo Lace size 4
- Cast on: May 2013
- Bound off: June 18, 2013
- Gifted to the Bride: June 22, 2013
I knitted started knitting this during a difficult time and there is love in every stitch. My lovely, caring, wonderful friend Cheryl was married recently and nobody deserves happiness more. I was honored to be included among the guests and witnesses, but am more honored to include her among my friends. I have some really great friends, most of whom I don't deserve. A song just popped into my mind when I thought in my head "I'd like to knit them all a shawl, and knit each stitch with love...." I got this one photo and then my camera battery died, then I charged it, then I forgot to bring it with me to the wedding. Whomp.
Speaking of the lace weight stash growing, I just couldn't resist this while at the yarn store yesterday, I got six balls of it, because the shawl I want to make with this is LARGE. It will be a long term project, but I have to finish a couple of things before I can start it. I can hardly wait!
Pete and I are overwhelmed by the generosity of our friends and the readers of this blog and there is no way we can thank you enough. We thank you, the team thanks you, and the American Diabetes Association thanks you.
As a reminder: Today is the last day to contribute to Pete's Tour de Cure fundraiser and get a chance at winning this shawl. You have until midnight tonight, so go donate! And keep Pete, Meg, Ben their team and all of the riders close to mind this weekend as they ride 150 miles, and also all of those who are impacted by diabetes.
2013. Three. Finally the feeling that I live inside of a sponge has broken and I intend to spend the entire day out on my porch. If you need me, ummm...... I might leave my phone inside!
Sip your tea, knit and look out at your beautiful yard. No one deserves a relaxing day as much as you.
Posted by: margene | July 12, 2013 at 03:59 PM
Cheryl's shawl is stunning! And the blue lace weight yarn soooo you. :-) Hip-hip-hurray for Pete, Meg and Ben on their ride this weekend!
Posted by: Manise | July 12, 2013 at 05:08 PM
Your responses to Pete saying "you're making another one of those" made me LAUGH OUT LOUD. Thank for "blathering", I donated :)
Posted by: ML | July 12, 2013 at 06:11 PM
The shawl is stunning! We should request some modeled shots from the newlywed so we can see how gorgeous it is on her. Love it, love you!
Posted by: Kathy | July 12, 2013 at 11:23 PM
Cheryl is completely deserving of that gorgeous shawl. We're all lucky to be friends. And go Pete, Meg and Ben!!
Posted by: Carole | July 13, 2013 at 09:17 AM