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I save some boxes but mostly we flatten and recycle. I want Fiesta Ware dishes but I'm waiting until Hannah moves out because that girl is BRUTAL on dishes and every single one I have is chipped.


My mother does this, too. You want to ship something? "I have a box that will work!" Need to protect something fragile? "There's bubble wrap in the basement!" I do it too, to an extent (we still have the boxes for the desktop computer that died five years ago), but am in a mixed marriage (B's mother threw ALL of those things out, and he can't stand having them around the house). Having to buy a box really rubs me the wrong way, though.


There are no words.


Terry, when you do something you really DO SOMETHING.

I love Fiestaware and have those colors (or similar) plus red and orange. Of course I use them all together.


Haha! So my new wheel box has been saved with all of the plywood, wood braces, screws, bubble wrap and 2 large bags of peanuts it came in. It will be put in the attic with the TV, and computer/monitor boxes . But....... I have a basement closet with similar "useful" smaller boxes, bubble wrap and...... more peanuts. I recently culled a bunch of it to get to the vacuum.

Pretty Fiestaware btw.


I want Fiesta Ware too. Someday. No boxes though! Right to the dumpster at work!


I saved boxes, and tissue paper for moving. Boxes for the mugs I bought, boxes for my little collection of boxes. Etc. Then when I moved, I didn't remember I had them. Or they were too dusty to think about using. Or I couldn't find them when I was packing that thing. So OUT they all went. Heresy, I know.

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